Friday, August 15, 2008

Everyone is Growing Up

I recently had my 23rd birthday and I officially feel like I am in my 20s. It is a strange feeling to be honest. It is the first time in a while that I have actually felt older after I had a birthday. But I am still having the best time of my life. I am engaged and enjoying everything about it. I also just checked out a blog that one of my high school best friends has. She has a bunch of links to blogs that our other high school friends have created. I can't believe how everyone is growing up! People are getting married- myself included, having babies, and living life like adults. I just think it is amazing how time never stops and we all just keep going on and getting on with life. Well, I guess I better get on with it then....


elspeth said...

Isn't funny how you'll think people are old until you reach that same age and then realize nothings different. I'm now convinced I'll stay young forever:)

Jedda said...

I keep trying to believe that every age is the perfect age for me to the numbers climb I hope I can keep talking myself into it! But 23 was one of my favorites. It is when I met Daniel! Best wishes for a marvelous year!