Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hendrix- Now I get a Husband and a Boyfriend

Ok, I was going to wait to post this but I just can't. He is sooo cute!

For our wedding gift to ourselves, Ashley and I adpoted a dog. I know, I know. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not much of an animal person and I am definitely not much of a big dog person- too much hair and too much jumping. After visiting the Humane Society to look for a small dog, and seeing nothing but Chihuahuas that barked their heads off, I asked if we could walk through the big dog section. Hendrix was the first dog that we saw. He never barked and after running with him by my side (something we have now had to work on at home) and sitting and shaking at the humane society, Ash and I decided that we needed him and he needed us. He is a Boxer/Great Dane mix but actually quite small for his breed.
Can I say, love at first sight?


Jedda said...

Hello Hendrix!

elspeth said...

A great dog with a great name. Welcome to the family!