Sunday, October 4, 2009

Instructions: GO TO THE SWELL

I am in a class right now, Cognition in the Wild, that is changing my life. The reading we do are spectacular. Then we go to the desert twice in the semester to practice what we have read about. The best thing about this class is that it keeps promoting the idea that designing an outdoor fitness program that does not include a gym is actually worthy of a try and it keeps showing me that doing so has the potential, not to change the world, but to help humankind become healthier and happier.

Our first fieldtrip was in and around Goblin Valley, UT. We travelled to the San Rafael Swell. I have not spent a lot of time there before but the trip was great. I decided that I could take clients on fieldtrips like that as a 'bootcamp.' Submerging yourself in the outdoors and seeing how the world has changed over time, and humankind with it, is an amazing way to put life into perspective and an even better way to motivate yourself to submerge yourself in the wilderness and absorb the healing powers of the wild. I wish that the pictures did more justice to the trip, but they just don't. Enjoy anyway. And GET OUTSIDE !

1 comment:

made sweet said...

i love the san rafael swell!!!